Friday, April 27, 2012

Flashback Fridays: Disney Sing-A-Long Songs

Welcome to yet another edition of Courtney's feeling lazy today. Hey, three posts a week requires more than you think. Anyways, one of my favorite childhood pastime besides playing barbies, wishing I was Belle, and eating Kraft Mac & Cheese was watching Disney Sing-A-Longs on VHS. Let's take a stroll down good ole memory lane and enjoy a few sing a long songs. Don't forget to follow the bouncing ball!

Everybody Wants to Be a Cat: The Aristocats  

Everybody wants to be a cat! Because a cat's the only cat who knoooows where it's at. 
I'll let the dangling preposition slide. It's such a catchy tune! 
Or should I say "cat"chy tune ahahaha bad puns. Ok. Sorry. 

Be Our Guest: Beauty & The Beast
My favorite show stopping number from my favorite Disney movie. Can't get any better than that. Try to resist the urge to sing a long. I dare you. Just try my little pretties. Just try...

Hakuna Matata: The Lion King

Kids these days keep saying YOLO as their personal motto. Please, Hakuna Matata is the way to go. It means no worries for the rest of your days! 

I'll Make a Man Out of You: Mulan

LET'S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS. TO DEFEAT THE HUNS. Classic. This one doesn't have the words to sing a long, but let's be should already know them. 
I just couldn't bear to leave it out. 

Poor Unfortunate Souls: The Little Mermaid

Just like the Mulan one, an actual sing a long version didn't exist, but I had to include. The villains often have some of the best songs. I think this one is my personal favorite. 
I just think Ursula was cool. Flaunt it Ursula. Work it girl. 


  1. Gah, these are all so good. Btw I don't know if you heard this news: but you should do a where are they now on TLC. It would be relevant and might drive some extra traffic to your blog

  2. also you should put these into a public youtube playlist so I can listen to them all in a row.

  3. This is perfect. The funniest thing happened a few weeks ago at work. I started singing, 'Part of Your World' and everyone started singing along. Guess what we did for the rest of that day while working? We sang Disney songs. Because we knew them all word by word. Our supervisors said we were lame but hey! We're 90's kids! It was all about Disney, Boy-bands, girl power, and Pokemon!
